I still believe in love from the first letter...
id: 10037670
Hello to everybody!
I wish to talk about very simple and banal truth, the name of it is Love and Trust to people. I am sure that we all have so many doubhts and disappointments that we are afraid to fall in the nets of the deception, as we all have our own experience in life and we all have the past. But we need to remember past , but live in now and enjoy moment, makinf steps to people who we like or to projects that we want to realize, it is the best sence of each day. My road was very different , sometimes i was happy , sometimes very sad, sometimes i thought that i live my life in right way , sometimes i wanted to escape somewhere, but i don`t regret about anything. Without past we aren`t who we are now and we wont have the futur that will come in our life. I am sure that all over the world there are a lot of people who wants to build great relations and who are ready for big changes in their lifes, like me. Please , don`t be afraid of pure and nice future, afarid of boring and bland now.
Wish to everybody great day!