The best exercise ever existed;);)
id: 10036063

Do you live a healthy life or you don’t like to limit yourself in something? Maybe you will be surprised but a lot of famous people live a healthy life. They know you need to stay fit if you want your brain to work well. So they wake up early and do different exercises. According to the opinion of many well-known people – cold shower and jogging are the things which should be done early in the morning. The heart is a muscle so it should be trained as other muscles. As for me, I try to live a healthy life. But I may eat not healthy food sometimes. How can I say no to a big and tasty burger or piece of cake which is covered by sweet cream?:)))) I go to the gym not to gain weight and I do a good job. My photos will prove it to you:) I am a single woman but one question comes to my mind often. What common activities I will have with my man in the future? How will we train our hearts? I have an idea. I believe that kissing is the best way to start the new day!:)))) I am sure that kissing make heart beat as fast as doing other exercises!:))) But the main difference between kissing and a doing of other exercises is that you will receive physical pleasure if you kiss a partner. I have doubts that we receive a physical pleasure when we lift weights in the gym, agree?:)) So seems like I have a perfect formula to stay fit always! Morning kissing+fast beating heart=good shape of your body and your soul! I don’t know if my discovery will help me to win Nobel Prize but…maybe it will allow me to win the heart of a good man? Wait for your comment!
