Secret ingredient
id: 10014508

Hello! I have heard lots of time that woman should care about nutrition of her family. It depends on her cooking skills and her own attitude to food. I love cooking a lot. Especially woman make her man to look good by eating healthy. However, do not worry, healthy does not mean not tasty! It is even delicious! You know, changing your diet to the better is very good! My mom was teaching me how to have a good nutrition from the childhood. Firstly, I did not like, as I could not eat a lot what I want, but what is not healthy. Now I understand how was good from her to teach me from the little age, as I used to it, I used to eat healthy food and to consider it as something normal and usual. I am good in cooking and I want my man to be strong and healthy too! In addition, I want to do everything for it what I can, for example, cooking tasty dishes with love! Love is the secret ingredient, have you known? Would you like to try my dishes someday? I am looking for man to have a happy future with, to enjoy our life and feel freely together! With warm! Nati
