A blog based on the reality of a western man
id: 372369

Thank you for opening this blog post and reading my own personal opinions, experience's, goal's and dreams. Western men will understand what I am going to write about next. When I was growing up we called in Playdough or Silly Puddy. It was basically very soft clay that could be molded or shaped into anything over and over and you could also mix the colors and swirl them all together. That's the best way for me to describe my own heart and personal experiences. My heart maintains the properties of flexibility but doesn't change what it is actually made of. First to Siberia where I already had friends the trip was amazing. My friends there ensured my safety and hospitality and I was welcomed ad family, just like they are welcome as family to me and my own family in the USA. They are like my own brothers and break the mold of what the world these days thinks of what a Russian is or how they act. Later I traveled to the Ukraine and again I was met by friends. Glad and his family made sure I felt comfortable but I never felt unsafe. There I fell in love with the people of the Ukraine. The countryside was amazing and I was treated as an honored guest. Kharkov was OK but not as friendly as Lviv or even Kiev and I soon realized why I was liked so much. Sure my friends were not interested in my wallet but the taxi drivers were, the hotel clerks were, the restaurants were, and in general just about everyone down to the money exchange were. I got the celebrity treatment largely because my wallet had dollars in it. I was thankful that my friends had taught and warned me of what to watch out for. It's important for a Western man to use some sort of middle man or agency even if you plan on making a trip. I don't mean that you should trust just any agency....check with another man that has gone or check the internet for reviews of these agencies because we must not forget that the "marriage abroad" or "online foreign dating" business has become a BILLION dollar a year business. When you read a letter from someone that doesn't care about your age or appearance then they surely care about something else....your status! True love does not recognize status but it does indeed need chemistry and appearance and age differences do matter. It's the equivalent of a child of the 80's marrying a child of Britney Spears generation. Let's be real.....thats not a fit at all is it? Reality tells a Western man that he will be bombarded with both real and false claims of love and that the ladies here with cameras will be asked to look at their eyes but also their bodies if they have a camera. In the West we call that a STALEMATE! Neither side willing to move an inch....neithet side willing to risk something they cannot get back. Men lose ALOT ALOT ALOT of money and the women lose self respect. I would propose that the men or women in the agencies that participate in writing false letters for women that do not exist are the worst kind of predator. They make it hard for admin on this site to make the site have a good reputation. Polly in admin here has gotten probably no less than 20 emails from me with issues related to truthfulness of who I am trying to speak to or write to or chat with. She can only trust what the associate agency is telling her in whatever city the lady lives in and then she can only relay that to me. Their job is to make money after alll! I can't fault them for not posting an angry blog when I feel I have been wronged....i bet she gets 20 of these complaints a day. I think all this boils down to getting to know the woman you want to meet AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. I mean chat, pay, ask for her information by paying for it, be honest and be real. In my experience on this site 99% of the ladies that write to me on this site can quickly be added or written off my list of prospective partners by their simple answers to a short chat. Mainly ask if they want to chat one on one.. This group chat stuff bothers me personally. Lastly I hope anyone reading this including the administration can see the value of a Western Man parting with both his money and his heart as fast as possible. Imagine the testimonials and success stories? The words " I paid and chatted for abit then paid for her personal information then had the site arrange for us to meet face to face in Odessa" would jump off the screen and scream...SUCCESS! is not that Western men are not serious because they are cautious. It is not because they are cheap or have no money either. It's because of a few bad apples ruining the whole bunch. Dump the bad apples and embrace paying short term only for SUCCESS! Put a limit to your expenses and what you will spend to see your potential partner. Make a goal and set a milestone. When you get there look at the good and the bad and then choose to stay or go. I choose to stay because the good here, even though admin and yes, my friend here Polly and I sometimes disagree, there is still something here for me. In the US and Western countries we call it the X FACTOR. This site has that thing that I cannot put my finger on as right or wrong just yet but they have my attention. My instincts therefore tell me it just Must be a good thing. Thank you Polly and Admin for your help with the trials of the Western men here trying to find our partners, our other half, and ladies......we are here and we want to see your eye's. Save your body for personal meetings. A real man won't ask you to reveal your body on a camera. Good day to you all. Have faith. And ask yourself:what is faith?
