If you're in a relationship that you would like to take to the next level, but you can't get him to commit, and you ask yourself why your relationship doesn't seem to progress at a healthy pace that is fitting for the situation.
Or are you in a relationship that you find him pulling away and being less and less available to you?
Maybe you've broken up recently and would like to get your MAN back.
If every effort to show him how much you care seems to make things worse or make him draw further away.
These and many, many more scenarios are addressed and resolved. learning how to have an edge on him and how to deal with things that seemed to be out of your power, but are really a result of how you relate to him (the opposite of out of you power) in fact you make him like he is, for good or for bad. I'm not saying that it's your fault that he is who he is, I'm just saying that unless you know how to DEMAND respect and do it in a manner that he doesn't even know what your doing(as to not bruise he fragile little ego) than he will walk all over you. Even the "nice guy" can turn into a real piece of...work if you don't show him that you won't be around to see it if he does.
The deal is, he doesn't have a clue how his own mind works, let alone yours. So if you can get that psychological edge on him then your in a good position, so to speak. You will be able to "stroke his ego" when needed, but at the same time get the results that you desire with sniper precision.
I want you to take your relationship into your own hands and turn it into what you want it to be. Instead of hoping that he has some miracle breakthrough epiphany and decides to start treating you better and with more respect.
More respect means helping you around the house, doing laundry, helping with the cooking, watching the kids. All the things you do, that he takes for granted.
You have the power to stop him from playing video games while you take care of the whole household, all you have to do is learn a little about how his mind works and a few simple tricks to gently push him in a certain direction. It really is as easy as it sounds.
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