I have one favorite saying: “We live on a blue planet orbiting a fireball. As long as the moon rules the seas ... Don't you believe in miracles? ” As these words combine all the amazing around us, which we just forget, because life is swallowing us up! But if we only raise our eyes once, look at the stars in the night sky or at the clouds that line up in bizarre figures on a sunny day, as soon as we remember that besides work, money and worries, there is LIFE! And think how quickly our everyday pyramid collapses when you meet a person with such eyes that you do not look away, or when gentle words breathe the joy of life into you ... Or just imagine how your heart beats 100 beats faster when you kiss your lips of a loved one, when you feel dizzy when touched, when passion, not obeying any laws, arises between two lovers ... Or, I think that each of us is familiar with this state, when it’s impossible to scream from the whole world who wants to scream to the whole world! And this is magic, right? And wherever you look, the magic is around us: the first snow, summer rain, wind and wind, unity with nature and the first night with the woman you love ... But I think that a person who has love can see this magic. Love is in the heart, in action, in thought. There is no need to try to control everything and to want everything to be on time, a bright mind and a desire to see everything beautiful in this world with wide eyes is important for magic. And most importantly, you need to learn not to be afraid of this, not to be afraid of magic. And sometimes, wake up in the morning, look at the most ordinary things: coffee in the morning, on your face after sleeping, on things around and it seems everything is so perfect .. All because the miracle is always around us. Maybe we will find each other and will make own miracle?) Natasha
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