Wrought iron is a symbol of true love.
id: 10039804

Once I saw how the master in the forge made a beautiful flower. He took a piece of soulless iron and turned it into a wonderful miracle. I was fascinated by his work-the rose blossomed in his hands as if it were real.It was a flower of iron, but it burned and bloomed better than many real flowers. I had the opportunity to observe the whole process of forging products from beginning to end. And I concluded that wrought iron is a true symbol of true love. Let's get a look? How does love appears? It's a spark! It is bright, hot and beautiful!! When we meet a person we fall in love and we burn with love for him. Light and warmth fill our souls.Our thoughts are pure,our bodies are burning, our hearts are burning. Iikewise, the iron that melts in the fire burns and flames like the hearts of lovers.And what happens to the iron after-it becomes strong, solid and reliable. Have you ever felt how falling in love grows into something more? Love is not born immediately...we make it... we grow it...we forge it. Only with time,the relationship in a pair of lovers become stronger and more reliable over the years. the more both partners work on relationship,the stronger and more reliable it becomes.Can you agree that relationship and true love is big and painstaking work? I want to be iron in the hands of an experienced blacksmith. I want us to do something strong and beautiful together - true love...our own rose of passion..with sweet dew of happiness.. Let's do it?:) Alina
