western perspective bridge in culture
id: 4030
cultural differences between men from western culture and Ukraine culture may not be so different however i as a westerner studied the culture of Ukrainian women including expectations you lovely women have of a man and all the traditions for weddings.

I think perhaps Ukrainian women don't realize that women from our native countries are so different to you so our behavior will seem often meek...why you ask well western women can be very cruel to their partners and in effect break their mans spirit so often in western culture a woman is the boss as it were she takes all responsibility from her partner and assumes the dominant roll so it would be fair to think of this as wrong but it is exactly what exists in our culture especially in my country (Australia) I could deduce from this why such a large number of relationships fail because of this i personally think we share everything in a relationship there is no one person there are both who equally do everything and give support in need as a true relationship should be.

As for me a decent well educated man will long before dating a woman from the Ukraine will research the correct way to act and behave with his date but one very important thing is that a man no matter where from must give due respect to his date i believe this to be cross cultural and guys remember if you want a serious relationship show her dignity and respect you must earn her trust because without that she will never love you and never ever be dishonest you will only hurt her i cant think of ever doing such a thing... these ladies are very special and simply the most adorable women on earth always be nice to them.

Ladies i hope you get a little understanding from this into western men however i am different to most but this is generalized view.

I wish you all the very best
