The difference of ages in the relationship!
id: 10038530

I would like to pay attention to the frequent and even trivial question about the age difference and how it affects relationships! And let me say that age just show numbers, but don't show inner world, soul, seriousness. People often face the fear of being condemned by society, fear of misunderstanding due to the difference in age and instability of young people! But Don't you think that these problems are made up by the person ownself? What is the difference what others think if people are happy? People have become too dependent on the opinion of society and to succumb to the opinion of the "herd" is not an option, need to act in your own interests and follow your own desires, and not try to satisfy the dubious demands of society. How we can say about the misunderstanding due to the difference in age and instability of young people if it's not depend from the age! The person can be a good, kind, reliable, serious, responsible, honesty, sincerely, understanding, caring but can be vice versa. And it's important understand that the behavior and actions of person do not depend from thr age, it's depend from the character and upbringing! That's way in the process in knowing each other we must care about inner world of person, and forget about the age's stereotypes. Conclusion: the age is not an indicator for the success of a relationship! Hope it'll be usefull! Thank u for attention!
