Kisses! It seems to be such a common and usual thing for us, but it turns out that representatives of about half of humanity do not practice kissing on the lips at all. Did you know about this fact? In fact, it is Kisses in our usual form that are not widely spread throughout the entire planet, and people can kiss not only their lips on the lips, but in a different way, as is common in their culture, to rub their noses, or their cheek, or just inhale the smell of the neck. But something in this spirit does absolutely everything. Why do people kiss? To express your affection to show the inclination or simply to say hello to a well-known person. But if you think about it, the manner of kissing may look strange, and even quite ugly. We exchange saliva with someone and sometimes it happens for a long time. In one kiss, up to 80 million bacteria are transmitted and not all of them are harmless. The earliest mention of behavior resembling the exchange of kisses is found in Hindu Vedic texts in Sanskrit age of 3,500 years. They said that kissing means breathing the soul into each other. The face is the most protected part of the body in case of danger, we first of all close the face forgetting about the rest of the body. If one person lets another person into the area of his face, and even closes his eyes, it means a rather large degree of trust. And in the lips are erogenous zones, it is logical that people do not rub their noses, this brings less pleasant sensations. But there is a less romantic theory and a rather nasty one. Even in the Stone Age, when the body needed salts, people tried to fill the shortage, and the body of a beautiful girl who lived next door in a cave could release salt. People licked and kissed each other. By the way, the longest kiss happened on February 14, 2013. A couple from Thailand set a world record continuously kissing 58 hours 35 minutes 58 seconds. And the most enduring kisser Alfred Wolfram on September 15, 1990, at the festival, kissed 8,000 people in 8 hours, that is, a person in every 3 seconds. How much time do you spend to bring your loved one a pleasant sensation kissing her on the lips?
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