THE FEELING OF A SPLIT PERSONALITY!! That's what I've been dealing with lately!! How important it is to understand yourself and be able to find exactly what is really important!! And how it is not easy!! Agreed?? My thoughts are increasingly visited by the idea that the presence of a permanent partner in life will help at times to reduce this doubt to zero.. After all, if a person is happy, he does not hesitate in his decisions.. he just knows what he wants.. Now every reader can ask himself a question)), WHAT I NEED NOW??? Can everyone give an answer at once??? I'm not.. although, I am sure that it is a loved one will help me in solving this problem.. that's why I'm writing my blog.... Maybe it will read exactly my man)))). And write me.. it's a Dating site and I'm sure my man is here. and I'm waiting for him))).... COME INTO MY LIFE AND HELP ME DEAL WITH THE THOUGHTS))).
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