Dear guys! Each person is very individual, everyone perceives criticism, praise in different ways. Therefore, each person needs a different approach. We all want respect and a good attitude to ourselves! But sometimes we forget what is respect and allow the slack in front of the man! What do we get in return? Of course the rudeness and resentment! As they say everything comes back like a boomerang! So let's do so in order to come back to us only positive boomerang! We are all gathered on this site for one purpose! Find your man and leave this site happy! When we get acquainted with a person,be friendly, even if he does not think like you it does not mean that you are completely different, let the person open up, let him know you, let him understand his purpose of acquaintance. If you will respect that and you will be good! Happiness it in minutia! Just to help some sort of advice, just pay attention! There are a lot of lonely people who need communication so make friends with them.Make it so that it would be good for you and that person. The more friends, the more support. We're all human! In relations often, too, forget about respect on first place place its I! But why? Think about your other half, maybe you need to think not only about yourself, but about who loves you. And if you concede this does not mean that he is weak, it means that he is wise and does it for what would have been good for you! He restrains himself in his desires, but still makes you happy! It is necessary to answer vzaimnostyu also to make the man happy! This is called mutual understanding! It must be! All this stuff and we do not always notice! But should be treated with reverence and details. When there are a lot of them, then we think. But sometimes it's too late! I hope someone will think after my words of respect. And I will be glad if not a lot of worldview will change! Thank you for listening Julia
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