I am here to make your mood better today:) I know that people write a lot about serious things in their blogs. I did it too but want to write about something different today. I thought that it will be nice to write of something relaxing and to ask you an interesting question of course!:) Are you ready? Ok! There was a very funny tv ad in the ’90s. It was an ad of one famous drink. Just imagine 2 guys which spy on a woman. A pretty woman starting to take a shower and guys want to see everything!)))) But window glass became too foggy because of hot water. They were disappointed and started thinking of something. They tried to imagine what thing would they want to turn into. It should be a thing which that pretty woman use usually. One guy told that he would like to turn into her soap)))) Do you think it’s a good idea? You will not believe but dream of a guy came true and he turned into soap! He was in a bathroom and waited for the pretty girl to come but she did not come. A big surprised waited for him. A big old woman came instead of a young pretty girl!!!:))))) He started to scream NOOOOO but it did not help him:))))) And I guess you know about what happened next)))) That’s was ending of tv ad)))) I hope you have a smile on your face now:) And I guess it’s a time for me to ask you a question. Let's imagine that you have a beloved woman. What her thing would you like to turn into?;) As for me I would like to turn into the shirt of a man. In this case, I would be close to him always. I hope you like my answer. And now its time for you to use your imagination;) At the end of my blog I want to say that it's completely normal to have a wish to become as close as possible to a partner. If you have such wish then all is ok in your relationship. I hope you agree with me and I will wait for your thoughts.
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