Some funny facts about woman - Women say about 20 thousand words a day, which is 13 thousand more than men - Women spend almost a year of their lives thinking about “what to wear” - Women often look for their sunglasses, forgetting that they are right on top of our head - A woman eats about 2-3 kg of lipstick in her entire life - A woman’s body contains six times more gold than a man’s body - Women's hearts beat more often than men's hearts - According to psychologists, to gain the confidence of a woman, it is enough to hug her for 20 seconds - Women spend 120 hours or five full days a year in front of a mirror - Women have more taste buds than men - Of all the people who bought the book "Fifty shades of gray" - 80% are women - After taking a bath, woman ( no matter how long-haired, short-haired she is ) necessarily wind on her head something similar to turban, but made out of towel, at least for one minute. LOL The causes of emergence this east ritual are unknown. - When a man says that he is ready to go out, it means that he can go out in a minute. The same phrase in the mouth of a woman means that before going out she needs to have time to wash her hair, iron her outfit and, of course, do makeup :) Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed it! Tanya.
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