Love it is a constant compromise and the ability to properly respond to conflict.
id: 10036601

When we just meet we see only all the best in our partner,we see beauty of face,fall in love with body,voice,manner of talk or move.First impression it is like the very moment of the nascency of love.We don't pay attantion usually to character or inner world of personality.We fall in love with candy wrapper.We ignore all imperfections,we don't pay attantion to bad sides of each other.Power of first impression and Power of passion at first sight or even lust is very big!And only with time,day by day,step by step, with each new moment we discover that our beloved person is not a candy in bright glamor covering,but it is formed personality with inner world,character,habits,level of education and worldview.Woman and man in love make desision to live together and to build strong relationship-either just to live together as couple in so-called civil marriage or to marry and to build family nest and it is already new level of Love development.And what can we see- this cople faces with some problems..How to live,how to keep householding,what to have for dinner and even who will take care of the plant in the pot and to clean after a pet.And here Love faces a challenge on new level of relationship-Love can face with conflicts and misunderstandings.And here She and He find out that they are able to argue,to make quarrels and scandals or even make each other angry till crying.Sorry to say it is life and it is also very natural side of relationship-Love is not able to avoid conflicts.Sorry to say people often forget how easy it is tol lose or even kill love.Arguing and healthy ability defend or protect your point of view it is also side of Love.It was said many times That Love has many faces, has many situations and can manifest itself in different ways..And how much important it is to be able to keep yourself in own hands, not to get"mad", try to find compromise and try not to offend your beloved even if you are strongly sure that she or he is not corrector wrong.How much it is important just to remember that magical moment when you fell in love, that first moment when you felt passion. Maybe it is the very pill for avoiding conflict and for making peace?) I understand how much difficult it can be sometimes. I understand that we all are just simplу people with own weaknesses and even we can have bad mood or problems with hormones. But Maybe this " Magic pill",when you look into eyes of your partner and simply kiss her or him to shut the mouth and stop quarrelling will help you? Maybe just usual small compromiss and light kiss or hugs will help you to calm down) and to recall that you love each other? Each couple is very individual and unique.But the main law of LOVE is the same for all- it is ability to accept,forgive,understand and simply to kiss.Take care of each other.Take care of your LOVE. your love it is Happiness.Your Love it is Gift from Heaven.Your love it is you and your sweetheart.Just find your love and take care of it.From all my heart I wish you and me to find own love and to enjoy this whole life) Valeria
