The delightful singing of the birds nearby, the soothing sound of rustling leaves and being away from the noise and hassle of city life... all these and more invites many people to live in the countryside.
But what really is it with living in the countryside that gives it an edge over city life? Why would many people nowadays seem to dream of the simple life in the countryside and considering leaving city life behind?
Many people from the rural areas also have city life dreams and aspirations. Opportunities seem to reside more in the urban areas than rural areas. But recently, what's happening seems to be the reverse, that is, people from the city are dreaming of building a new life in the countryside.
There is a list of good reasons why a number of people now prefer the country life.
Advantages of Countryside Living
Starting off with the obvious, let's take a look at the environmental features that the country side has to offer. First that comes to mind is that the countryside is a breath of fresh air, literally and figuratively. Air is cleaner here than the city. The country side offers something new; you're closer to nature and it seems as if you're always on a vacation with the wonderful scenery that surrounds you.
Healthier living is another facet that the countryside can boast of. Aside from fresh air that leads to healthier lungs, living in the countryside gives you more access to organic farmer's market. Organic food are food items that are produced, processed and packaged without using chemicals which have more health benefits than conventional food.
Being physically healthy often leads to good mental health. A study even showed that people residing in the countryside have slightly better mental health than people in the urban areas.
On top of that, crimes are lesser in the countryside. As what is often said, "The countryside is a place where you don't have to lock your car or even your front door." If you're a parent, you will have lesser worries on unpleasant influences that your children might be exposed to.
It is also more likely for a person to establish good relationships with his or her neighbors as people in the country side are deemed to be more friendly, caring and true. Another good reason that we ought not to forget is in the aspect of practicality. The cost of living in the country side is considerably cheaper than the city.
Disadvantage of countryside is overcame by technology
Of course, there are always two sides of the coin. The countryside also had its drawbacks to some. Countryside living is often equated to boredom; life in the city seems to be more exciting and fashionable. But nowadays, this seems to be not the case anymore.
So it’s more expensive to live in the countryside than in a town or city? No surprise there for anyone already based in a rural area.
The cost of fuel is the big killer. Country people don’t have any alternative but to jump in their cars every time they want to shop, collect the children from school or visit the dentist. Homes in exposed locations are expensive to heat. Cost isn’t the only issue though. Add to that the distance from all those amenities, sometimes necessities, easy access to which townies like me take for granted. Doctor’s surgery, cinema, benefits office, magistrates’ court, library – they’re all situated some town or other.
There’s no closing roads and clogging underground stations. Rural dwellers relax in a garden, not on a chewing-gum spattered pavement. Life goes, as it should, more slowly; people find they can get along very well without being dressed in the latest fashion or up with the most recent tittle-tattle. As a result, aggression drains out of the relations individuals have with each other. There’s more time, and probably more old-fashioned decency.
One can still enjoy a higher quality of life in the countryside and still enjoy the advantages of living in the city like electronic gadgets and high tech jobs. With the Internet, travel and information across the miles is just a click away. Whether you are a simple, peace and nature-loving person or you're more of the modern, trendy type of a person, you can still enjoy the countryside.
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