The best way to start a new day. what is this?
id: 10036063

Many times I heard that it's really important to have a good start of the day. If the start of it will be good then the rest of the say will be good too. A lot of successful people (movie actors, businessmen) has its own way to start a new day. Some of them even have special rituals. I was surprised when I heard of it because I have my own ritual too. I want to tell you more about it. I start the day from taking of cold shower usually. It helps me to wake up and I feel full of energy after taking of it! I am a coffee person so I make strong black coffee after taking of shower. What I do then usually? I sit on a windowsill having a cup of coffee in my hands and stare into the window. I look at cars and people and make a plan for my day. I think of the goals I want to reach and the things I need to do. I even call it some kind of meditation. Doing it makes me focused. I noticed that I have a good day if I start it this way. It really helps me! Do you have your own way to start the new day I wonder? I know that it's great if partners have much in common so it will be great if they start a day the same way. They should create their own ritual. It may be kissing or cooking breakfast together for example. I talk of small things but it was proved that small things matters! Partners should do many things together or they may lose their spiritual connection with each other. I have a strong belief that people are different. Yes, lots of needs are common but rest if it is different. Partners should find a thing doing of which bring good mood to them. Morning is a very important part of the day so it should be nice. Having small rituals will lead to big and happy changes. Are you ready for it? I am ready!
