Million of words have been said about love.But in fact no one can give the real true definition of this.Hundreds of philosophers,poets,writers and simple people tryed to formulate what LOVE is.But in fact there is million of definations of this life reality.Maybe because Love is very much individual,personal,intime even.There are billions of people living on this planet now,and billions of people in past during whole history of mankind.And there are,there were and there will be billions of different variants of love.Each love story is very much individual,each of us has own ability to love,own personal power,strenth and might to love.Some of us can love stronger, others not too much.For some of us love is very emotional and we follow only own heart,for others-love is very much reasonable and such people follow just own brain.Some of us can meet just one the main,the only love of all life and to devote own life,passion and romance just to one all -life- sweetheart.Other people can fall in love fast and easily,changing beloved easily and without pain in heart. We all are very much different,but we all are people and we are able to love,to give ourselves to the best feelings from all which God could only give us- ability to love and to accept love.We are the only creatures on this planet who are able to fall in love and to do much to please beloved,to enjoy him or her,and we are the only creatures in this world who are able to suffer from unrequited love,feel pain of cheatting,and have broken heart if our sweetheart does smth bad or painfully wrong.Ask yourself..what is Love for you personally?Ask yourself if you are ready to love and to be loved again? Ask your own heart and soul if you are ready to let new feelings in?And if you are ready to give your heart(maybe even broken before),your soul, your emotions and passion to new person?Love doesn't give any garantee.Love is very risky adventure in your life.Maybe it will be very painfull and hurt,maybe it will be very misteriouse,fabulous,amazing..who knows..But never forget-you live to love,you live to risk. You live to give this world a small part of your own very individual,personal and unique love!Don't be afraid to love!Don't be afraid to give all yourself to this wonderful feeling!Maybe you were born in this life just with this mission-to love!Even if you will give it to her or him,any way.. your feeling will always stay in you and will be yours forever ! Thank you for reading my post, Victoria
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