I guess you heard many times that if partners want to be happy together then they should be similar types of persons. But according to well-known info, there are 4 types of temperament. Sanguine person, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic. A sanguine person is positive and optimistic always. It's almost not possible for such a person to be in a bad mood. But this person may be too self-confident and it likes to hurry things up. Choleric has tons of energy! To move is to live. It’s a motto of choleric person. They are good leaders. But they lack patience and they may be too emotional sometimes. A phlegmatic person is very calm. He is very patient and likes to think a lot before doing something. So this person does not make mistakes often. But this type of person may become too passive if things will go wrong. It's not easy to phlegmatic to adapt to new things. And the last type is melancholic. They are very sensitive and listen to heart more than to a mind. This person has a creative mind. But they are pessimistic and see the world in black colors mostly. What type of person are you I wonder? I want to return to the start of my blog. 4 types of temperament. There are good chances that you may meet a lady who will have a different type of temperament than yours. You may be choleric but your lady may be melancholic. These types of temperament are very different. Does it mean that it's not possible to build a happy relationship in this case? You will be glad to know that it's possible! Partners may have different hobbies, different types of mood, etc. But it’s a small thing. The secret of happiness is to have the same or similar points of view on really important things. Things which matters. It’s a work, family, goals, and love of course! Knowing the temperament of your lady will help you to treat her well. But the rest of the things are in the hands of both partners. There is no perfect compatibility but there are 2 hearts beating as one.
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