Those who think so read the book or inattentively, or took from it only what they saw fit. Yes, the author perfectly describes love. According to him, all people experience a year of passion, a year of tenderness and a year of boredom together, and then they part, or have children and stop loving each other and live for the sake of children. But it's not like that. The author himself comes to a different conclusion at the end of the book. He explains that most people have it, three years, and then it's over. But true love is eternal. True love is the one that was fought for, the one that was built by the efforts of both, and the one that did not crumble at the slightest problems, as both tried to keep it. I agree with that. I think the author was right. Think that a genuine love nothing not will destroy and 3 year for it this is only a short phase and such a lyubvo lives even after death.
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