Dating tips for women seem to come at you from every direction. Your friends, your family, and even the hobo in the train station down the street jump to tell you what they think about the men in your life.
Dating Tips For Women – How To Find And Keep Mr. Right
Below you will find good dating advice for women. Keep these dating tips in mind as you start searching for that one special guy to make an instant and everlasting connection with.
1.) You’ll Have To Kiss A Few Frogs
If you want to find Prince Charming, chances are you’ll have to kiss a few frogs along the way. This is perfectly natural. Finding the right guy takes time. Don’t get frustrated if you don’t hit a homerun with the first guy who asks you out.
Every man who isn’t right for you brings you one step closer to finding Mr. Right. Give a guy a chance, but don’t waste your time if there isn’t a spark. Trust your instincts. It’s better to move on quickly then to find out months later you’re still with a guy you never really liked that much in the first place.
2.) First Impressions
First impressions count. When a guy first asks you out on date, he’ll be on his best behavior to impress you. A good concept to keep in mind is, “If you don’t like him at his best, you’re not going to love him at his worst.” Don’t waste time dating the wrong guys when you could be chasing after the right ones.
If he accidentally spills a drink on you or himself because of first date jitters, that’s one thing. But if you sense he’s arrogant, rude, or uncaring on the first date, then chances are he’s not going to change. Don’t think you’re that one special girl who CAN change him. You CAN’T.
3.) Text Messages – Good Or Bad?
Cell phones and text messaging have given rise to a whole new set of dating rules. Text messaging can help or hurt your relationship. If you go out on a date, turn your phone off, put it away, and actually listen to what the guy has to say. There are very few things that are so urgent they can’t wait for an hour or two.
No guy wants to be with a girl who is constantly texting her friends while he’s trying to have a nice dinner date with her. It’s a huge distraction, and it’s rude. Nothing says, “I’m totally not into you, and I think you’re the most boring guy ever” faster than being on your phone when he’s trying to have a conversation with you.
But text messaging isn’t always a bad thing…
If you’ve been dating a guy for a while and want to know how to use text messages to spice up the relationship and keep him wanting you more and more, then you might check out Michael Fiore’s Text The Romance Back. It will teach you the RIGHT ways to use text messages in dating and relationship scenarios.
You can also use text messages to get your ex back.
4.) He’s Not Your Ex, So Don’t Judge Him That Way
Never judge a new guy based on past experiences with exes. Just because an ex treated you a certain way in the past doesn’t mean a new guy is going to do the same thing.
For example, just because your ex stayed out late nights and cheated on you doesn’t mean if your new boyfriend stays out late with the guys that he’s also cheating on you. The new guy isn’t the guy who hurt you. Don’t take it out on him. Trust him until he gives you reason not to.
5.) Make Him See You As Valuable
Be valuable. By this we mean don’t give up everything on the first date. Be mysterious and don’t reveal everything about yourself. Men like the hunt. At the same time, you don’t have to kiss him or have sex with him to get him to like you or to get him to ask you out on a second date.
Make him prove that he values you as a person. You’re rare, unique, and valuable. Make sure he understands that before you give in to his advances.
6.) He’ll Pay, And You’ll Let Him
Let him pay for the date. If a guy asks you out on a date, he generally assumes he’s going to pay for dinner, a movie, or whatever else you’re doing. Men want to feel successful and want to feel like providers. Paying gives men a sense of worth.
Letting him pay doesn’t mean you’re being rude or mean. It doesn’t mean you owe him sex at the end of the night. When you consider clothes, hair, make-up, waxing, etc., you’ve already spent your fair share just to look good for him before the date even starts.
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