We are modern women of the 21st century.What differes us from our grannies and great-grandmother?Look at us,please-we are very good looking as any women of any generation.In any generation,in any times women always wanted to look very good,to be able to attract men's interest and attention,dreamt about love and happy family life,so what differs us?What makes us so special?In middle age role of woman was too cook,to gow up children and to be the shadow of her husband.At the beggining of 20th centure women took men's role and manner of act-they prefered clothes in men's style,started to smoke and even use rude words.It was very fashionable to be with short hair and dressed in man's style.The feminist movement began to emerge.Then wars began and women unwittingly assumed all male duties and functions.It made women stronger,much more self-confident.Only with the advent of peace women could allow themselves to relax and recall their natural femininity,weakness and romanticism.But then a new period in the development of female nature came -women were completely absorbed in obtaining a good education and business it became fashionable to build a career and develop their own business.But at the same time women started to learn combine both-very good look and carier,strong knowledge and sweet romance.Passion about work and very tendency to self-development, self-improvement.At the same time industry of of beauty and fashion made women think much more about appearance and image.And women started to learn combine all- work,career,getting education and art of being always good looking and charming.Very soon new wave,new trend has embraced the women -fashion for a healthy active lifestyle.And all girls,all ladies of any age went into jogging,ran to the parks and started doing yoga or shaping.Fiteness won them)Women never rested)always were in moving-sport,diets and pursuit to the ideal)And at the same time,women never forgot to love,fall in love with men,seduce them,get married and raise children,clean house and pamper their beloved man with tasty meals)Ahh yeaa,some of women also adored to have home pets like cats or dogs.So what can we see now-what is woman of 21st century?Without undue modesty,we can say that a modern woman is such a Miss or Mrs.Congeniality).This is a woman whose evolution has created a beautiful,touching,charming,romantic,loving,and at the same time strong,self-sufficient,hardworking,responsible creature with great ability to love and care,devote herself to the family and beloved.A modern woman is perfect. But a woman can be feminine only with one condition- love should inspire her. Only a man’s love can lead her to new accomplishments.So dear men-Love us,respect us,value us and never forget- behind the shoulders of a real successful man strong and wise woman always stands.I wish you to find only your very special Miss Congeniality) Julia
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