Modern world has become too much materialistic.People work from early morning till late night trying to make as much money as possiable,build carreer or own business any way all ways lead to one- financial stability and wish to buy,buy and get new things.People do all the best trying to gain so called sucess in life.And people forget about what is really the most important in life,what is really voluable and pressious.Maybe it is such nature of people that we need to have good lesson or to loose smth before to understand that the most presiouse it is family.Yes,I am talking now about family,not about love,passion or romance.Because Family is all these all together.Non of us can be happy and feel good if is in confrontation with relatives,non of us feels good if he or she is not loved or respected.We all want to feel care of relatives,love of them and to be able to care for them.Family and native home is the only place where we can feel really relaxed and calm,happy and loved, be ourselves and not to carry roles.That's why it is great responsibility to choose right partner to build own family with; it is great happiness and luck to meet soulmate and become not only married couple,but real friends and partners in this great,important and responsiable mission-to build family nest.It is so much important to be in harmony with each member of the family and with yourself.Once I asked my granddad how he managed to live with my granny happily for more than 50 years?If he loved her all those years?And he told me wonderful thing that he chose his future wife for her character because it is the most important in person.And he loved granny all those long 50 years for her ability not notice his bad sides and forget wrong actions.Maybe it is the key to real happiness in family relationship?Maybe the old slavic saying "You marry beauty,but lives with character" is the very true to the way to happiness? It is great luck in life to have partner who will be always support you on each step of your life.It is great Gift from life or God to have husband or wife who will understand you complitly,support,share minutes of sorrows and moments of happiness.I understand of course that happy harmonic family is not gift from heaven ,it is everyday hard work.It is greatest ability not to argue,not to make dramas,avoid conflicts and try to understand each other when you see that it can be absolutly impossiable.Sometimes it is difficult,sometimes can be hurt or painfull. And only those,who ignore pain and can just "accept" can be gifted with seeing happy faces of native dear people.Family it is life,all the rest just bonuses. Wish you to have such happiness in your life) Nikoleta
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