Our life is often ordinary. A person works, lives his life, does everything as always. But when he is in love, it all gets other colors. And then time is rapidly accelerating its run and everything around is transformed. Often, people who are in love or just experiencing happy events are told: “Happiness takes no account of time”. This expression from the immortal work has become “winged” in our day. This phrase, which characterizes the state of a person experiencing the most beautiful moments of his life. This is a wonderful time when positive emotions overflow, a person feels delight in everything. And, really, plunging into such strong feelings and emotions, lovers and happy people do not pay attention to the passage of time. And what is happiness? Every person invests in this concept its own value. It's not just saying that happiness is in the details. For some, happiness is waking up in the morning with a beloved, for others, happiness is the health of their family, and for others, happiness is at work. We are all different and happy moments are all different. How long is the time in the boring conversation, long waiting and hard work? And, constantly glancing at the clock, we are amazed at how slowly the arrows are moving. But it is worthwhile in life to happen something wonderful - a pleasant and promising acquaintance, a romantic date, a favorite work or an exciting journey, and time accelerates its course again, and, plunging into this happiness, we have no time to look at the clock. Perhaps it is from these moments that the value of life is formed. It happens, hoever, that the time of life is not too appreciated by people. Spends on useless and even destructive activities, which are more and more alienate the person from what can lead him to real happiness. Such an attitude towards one’s own destiny can be called a crime. Time is painful, the hands of the clock seem to freeze and do not want to move. A person who does not experience happy moments in life always looks at the arrows of time and this time lasts forever for him .. But it is worth a happy event, as the moment of time changes surprisingly, accelerating its course. Bright moments fill life, make it rich and full. It is pleasant to be a truly happy person, because then ordinary days become more colorful, the heart beats faster, and the hands of the clock rotate in a frantic and passionate mode. Happiness takes no account of time and this is the most natural and true truth, to argue with which is both unwise and absurd. It is very important to find the person who will make you the happiest on the planet. I wish everyone to find such a person! Love each other and be happy !
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