The best way to make a person fall in love with you
id: 10036661

Hello to all readers! All is good? I came home recently and the first thing I started to do is…preparing of supper? No. Taking of shower? No!) I started writing a blog because I feel I need to say something. As I mentioned before I visited a book store today. I finished reading a book a few days ago and decided to buy a new one. I did not know what I want to read so I decided to make a choice when I will be at the shop. I saw many different books and one of them caught my attention. Why? Because it was a book about men and women. I asked if I may read it a little. One of the chapters made me really surprised. It has the title “How to make a man fall in love with you. Best ways which will fit every woman”. I will not describe all the things I read about because many of them were ridiculous. But I will give you an example – don’t let a man know that you love him until he will be in love with you. That’s crazy! Don’t you think so?)) Anyway, that book made me think of many things. I did not buy it but my mind was full of thoughts. I completely disagree with the author of that book. Why somebody thinks that you should do something to make a person fall in love with you??? What is a point to pretend to be a Super-Wonder-Woman if you are a different person? The truth will be revealed sooner or later and…you will lose. I know that lots of people can not give an answer to the question “What should I do to awake deep and serious feelings in my partner?” And they can not find the answer for many years! In my opinion, the answer is simple. JUST BE YOURSELF. Act as you act usually. Don’t be afraid to look strange or something. If a person fit you then it will accept you. If it does not fit you then it will think that you are strange. So what???))) You will always know that you stay true to yourself. This is the best way. Yes, I know that my blog does not look like a book and I know that it will not become popular but I know that I wrote everything from my heart. Did you feel it?
