Some say, it's just not their cup of tea and rest say, they are hopeless at it...well; men have always been on the receiving end when it comes to being romantic! Men truly have a lot to learn when it comes to being romantic and the best romantic advice for men is to think like a lover! Whether you're someone's beloved hubby or cute boyfriend (as your girlfriend refers to you!), all you need to impress the lady in your life, is a heart, that thinks and beats romance. It's time that you show your girl, men when in love can do crazy things for their love and romancing the girl is one of it.
It may sound outrageous but all you have to do to make your relationship successful, is think from a woman's point of view to be a good husband, boyfriend or a great partner. Women are romantic creatures by birth and when it comes to their love life, they can be quite touchy about it. Everything you do or say registers into their heart whereas for you, it might not even reach your ears! So the first Romantic Advice for men would be being careful. Do not do or say something which can hurt her feelings, her dignity, her self respect, or her love for you! For the rest, go through the top romantic advices for men which can prove to be very effective for your love life.
Popular romantic advices for men
Learn to listen: We know you do that and you have no other choice, but women love men who are patient listeners. When you keep quiet, be sure everything she says about you or your relationship registers in your mind as you never know when she might refer to it later on! Respond to what she says…a yes or no or a suggestion maybe if she allows you to do so. But no kidding…a conversation will always help you to keep track of what your girl is thinking or how she might react to a certain thing.
Be honest: Nothing works better with women than honesty. Always be honest to your love. Once broken, it's very difficult to earn a woman's trust. And if the trust is gone, she will lose everything she has for you in matter of no time. Keep her updated with everything that's happening with your life and make sure you are the one to convey it to her first before she gets it from someone else.
Say Love: Women like men who make confessions of love from time to time. Women just love to listen to those three golden words of love "I love you". It's all you need to make her fall in love with you over and over again. Talk about your feelings for her, confide into her with your deepest secrets, and let her know how much you feel lost without her and she will never let you go!
Surprise her: Women love surprises and when it comes from the love of their life, nothing like it! Your romantic gifts don't always have to be costly…a beautiful rose or a small love poems written by you can work wonders for your love life! A surprise romantic dinner or a movie plan can also be a great way to make your beloved fall head over heels in love with you.
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