I have couple of thoughts about how to make relationships stronger when you love on a long distance from each other and even on other continents. Is love stronger than the distance? Certainly! But you have to follow certain rules. This is my list of rules and of course is disputable and it`s possible to add something there or to remove something but in general I think these rules can work. So here are my thoughts which I think can help many people - both men and women - who read this. It`s not the top of rules - just a list. So it doesn`t mean that the first rule is more important than the second one. 1) So number one. Keep in contact. You love far away from each other and you have your own lives, friends, communication, impressions and so on. So if you don`t talk with each other for a long time you just start to forget that you are in relationships. You don`t feel the presence of your partner in your life. So try to contact once in a while at least. I don`t say you have to talk everyday for hours. It`s impossible - we have our duties, work, family. But try to talk at least once in two days, in three days or at least every weekends. 2) Number two. Share everything with her/him. When you live together you don`t have to tell her or him everything which happens to you. Cause you both live in the same environment and many thing just don`t have to be told cause you see and experience the same. But when you are far away from each other it will be very pleasant for your partner to know what happened to you in details. What did you feel, what and who surrounded you at this this momen? What kind of smeel was there in the air even. And so on. Little detaisl as I said. You can say - nothing exciting happens to me so what can I tell? It shouldn`t be exciting adventure all the time. It can be your usual routine. But it`s usual for you not for your partner who is always happy to know more about you and your life. 3) Number three - don`t be in a hurry. When you are in love (or it seems to you that you`re in love) you want everything and now - all of her - all the time and the more the better. You are hurry to make new and new steps, come to the next level. DON`T HURRY UP! Why? Let me explain. When you have relationships on the distance and they are new your feelings are quite vulnerable and fragile. Everything can ruin them. The magic of attracting to each other can disappear any time like a frightened little bird. So don`t hurry up. Give yourself time. Know each other. Share everything with each other. Make steps towards each other but little steps. Speed is not so important as the distance you came in the end. 4) Number four - words of love Don`t forget to tell her or him about your feelings. It`s obvious. When you are together you don`t have to tell about your feelings. You have the langauge of your body, the language of physical contact. You touch her gently and kiss her neck instead of telling "I love her". She understand you and kiss you back. But when you are at a distanct the only way you can remind her or him that you love her/him is words. So don`t forget about this. 5) Number five - special names. It works in all relationships - not only distant ones. But it`s very important. Find special lovely names for each other which only you use - "honey, sweety, dear" - possible but banal. Everyone use them. Better to create something more original, may be even funny. But this is your love code - only for two of us. That will make you feeling closer to each other. I think the list can be added and I`ll add some of the rules soon. But for now I`ll end the list. I hope it will be helpful for those who read it.
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