When we marry,we all think that we make a match with the best person in the world.We see only all the best in each other and promise ourself to become ideal life partner for her or him.But sorry to say life is not stable and with time we face with doubts- if we have Ideal life partner and if we are good partner.Let's try to understand what is it to be good almost ideal husband or wife.I think that real true husband,the same as really good wise wife, is always able on decisive actions.In bad difficult time good life partner will never condemn and blame but will be able to support and help to calm down.A man who looks courageous and at the same time knows how to cook is perfect - this is how modern women think. Even if he simply decides to peel a melon,for example,and serve it beautifully on a dish.If the woman is able to hammer a nail by her own and not make a scandal because of the fallen off door of the cabinet.We all make mistakes, and when this happens,your second half should always be on your side. Even if you are wrong. Instead of blaming you,he or she will give his (her)support. Ideal life partner must pay attention to the little things.Of course,it doesan't matter that wife must know real number of all ex women in previous life of her husband or to know the birthdays of all his friends but it would be great for her to know how much sugar he loves into tea or what sort of coffee beloved man prefers)And of course, to know her husband’s favorite sports team)It would be also great for husband always to remember birthday of mother-in-law and always remember the wedding song of your couple)God safe forget the date of the wedding! This is holy! It's wonderful if you live with a person who easily proves Binomial theorem of Newton and knows the basics of nuclear physics but it would be great for husband to know how to clean the sewer and for wife how to iron 5 shirts and 2 suits in 15 minutes.)When you feel bad, your beloved always knows how to get you back to your usual rut-he or she will joke, support or do exactly what makes you feel better. Wise life partner can negotiate and find a compromise-with policeman,tax inspector or strange neighbor from a next standing house)Loving person will not put your problems in a box with the signature "I will think about it tomorrow."He or she will search for solving today and now.So you can also relay on your life partner.Real true soulmates always make decisions together-what school to choose for children and where to spend next summer.In modern world both husband and wife usually work and build own career.So both are able to share home duities and it doesn't matter what it is- cleaning the yard or change the diaper for baby)And the main-husband and wife simply love each other and enjoy each new day in company of the family)I hope each of us will be able to find such ideal soulmate! Julia
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