Once I wrote a blog about what to do and how to act when you date with a woman on a distance. I think this is very important topic for us who are here on this site trying to build our happines and love. Doesn`t matter how many time comes from the moment you got to know each other on the site till the moment you meet all in all you have some time when you are already in relationships but you are still far away from each other. You can not spend the days together, you don`t see each other, you don`t see what she or he is doing, you don`t eat together, don`t sleep together. That`s very frustrating. But you should come through it. And it`s not easy. It`s quite a challenge. Even if you have just a month of distant relationships it`s still difficult. For both partner. Especially if you are jealous. You know, we all are jealous from time to time, may be just a little, but still jealous. So what to do in this case? I think the only way to struggle with it is trust. You should trust her and she should trust you. You can say "trust should be earned". And you can be right. Is it possible to trust by default? Hard to say. But if you can`t trust your woman may be you won`t trust her when you meet? may be you`ll still have reason for distrasting? it`s a sourse for thoughts. So perhaps you should ask yourself. "Do I trust her or him?" If I don`t trust then you should ask yourself: "why exactly?". And then when you`ll get answers you`ll see that may be you won`t trust her when you meet her either. And if you say "there are no reasons to distrust her" so may be then you should trust her and let you and your woman (or man) come through this distant relationships and reach the point when you meet and when you`re finally together. They say - every person has his half. But sometimes this half lives far away and you don`t even know it and never meet her/him. But it changed today. Today we have internet and a dating site so we can try our luck and search for this half! And what if we found her? But it`s so difficult to lose this bird of luck. Being impatient, being jealous, being distrustful...and your happines will go away. And may this was your half! So don`t lose your half and good luck!
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