Since childhood, we know that loyalty is a good trait of character. It is a decoration of man, his inner world. The faithful can be called that person who is betrayed in love to his one or only. Still people keep fidelity to family traditions, to precepts of ancestors. Even in society, those people who are faithful to their friends, their views on life and principles are respected. Loyalty is a foundation, a foundation on which a person stands. About the right person you know that you can rely on him, that he will support in difficult times and never betray. Therefore, it is better to deal with the right person. But many people in society, on the contrary, are more prone to infidelity. This is according to my observations. They themselves change over time, their views change. They follow their desires, but they forget about loyalty. Therefore, others sometimes do not even know what to expect from such a non-permanent person. All the more in society is valued loyalty and devotion. After all, with those who remain faithful, you can walk together through life with confidence. Sometimes the wrong people use the loyalty of other people for their bad purposes. Sometimes a person also remains loyal to someone who is no longer worth it. For example, an ungrateful friend or a dishonest political party. Or old, obsolete ideas. Or a loved one who has long died, or abandoned, or never reciprocated. Such reckless loyalty seems out of place. But it still causes a lot of respect, because it comes from the heart. Loyalty to oneself, one's values and principles makes a person a strong personality.
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