Hello, gentlemen! This is my first blog here and I immediately decided to write about my most important highlight - long hair. First of all, hair is like antennas that receive cosmic energy. Secondly, the hair performs the function of a battery. They accumulate energy. Personal power of man. Person, who has long hair, has better intuition. A woman with long hair makes a child WITHOUT toxicosis. Thirdly, hair keeps a person's memory. A person who has experienced very great grief is advised to make a haircut. Why is long hair beautiful? Well-groomed, healthy hair attracts the attention of others, make men turn around and hold their eyes. Just with the wave of your hair, like the movement of your eyelashes, you can put love in someone's heart. The Slavs had valuable knowledge that the husband receives protection from his wife combing her hair or simply touching them. A woman with long hair has a very strong energy, thanks to which she is able to create a protective circle for her beloved man. If a girl wants to cut her hair, she gives a powerful signal to the Universe about a thirst for change. And cutting her hair, a woman cuts herself off from a source of energy, weakening her own source of vitality. There are still countries where women are not allowed to make short haircuts, because the well-being, success and even life of a man depends on the length of his woman's hair. Since then, there is a belief that you can not cut hair during pregnancy, so as not to deprive your child of energy support. What do you think? Is it important for you that your beloved has long hair or is hair length unimportant for you? Very interesting to know, Elena
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