My terrible date (or the story of a love triangle.)))))
id: 10038521

Hi everyone! )))) First, let's get acquainted. My name is Ekaterina and I am looking for my love, like the most people here.I’m serious, so I’m very selective about men with whom I would go on a date. That is why I go on dates very rarely.))))) I do not want to waste my time or someone else's time. But once a man from Europe (Let's conditionally call him John)))) wrote to me and said that he is also serious and looking for a decent girl with classical values to create a family. I liked our conversation and I agreed to meet with him. BUT there was one nuance to which I initially did not pay attention, but in vain! ((((( The fact is that John wanted to come to a meeting exclusively with his interpreter! Despite the fact that the manager of my agency offered him a full-time translator, but John was unshakable. He wanted only Lily on our date with us - that’s the name of the interpreter’s girl, and I agreed. Then came the day of our date. John and Lily are late for ... for 40 minutes. I arrived at a restaurant in which we agreed to meet, and waited there for almost an hour. When I was about to leave, sleepy John came with a cute blonde. It turned out to be that translator Lilia. She apologized and said a strange phrase: Sorry for being late, we just woke up)))))))))). Although it was 18:00 pm. I didn’t understand why she said WE, but I decided not to focus on this. John was a very calm, well-mannered man. But he was somehow infantile and Lilia decided everything for him. As if she is his mother or wife. )))) It turned out that they had known each other for a long time and when John arrives in Kiev, he hires Lily because he afraid to walk in the city without her.))))) Moreover, all this was said by Lilia herself. ))))) Her mouth did not close and she did not let John even insert words. But despite all this I saw that John really liked me and he really asked for one more date with me. I agreed, because I still wanted to know him better, because of Lilia he didn’t completely open before me. The next day, Lilia called me and made an appointment for the three of us in a restaurant on the Zoloti Vorota metro station (Kiev).I arrived at the appointed time and ... again no one was in place! ))))))) When I called Lilia, she said that she was mistaken and called the wrong metro station that she had in mind and she and John were already waiting for me in a completely different restaurant on the other side of the city! ))))))))))))I was shocked! These tricks of her were like the machinations of a jealous rivalry! ))))) Despite all this, I came to a meeting and met with John. He apologized, but Lilia brought it all in earnest, and again chatted incessantly. She told John what champagne he should order for her and tried her best to draw his attention to her. Needless to say, this meeting was the last for me and John? ))) I decided not to continue talking with a man who got into the network of an insidious, jealous girl, who ugly and cunningly dids drove away all potential brides from him. The most annoying thing is that John did not understand this... I guessed that Lily was probably in love with him for a long time, but John did not share her sympathies and continued to search for his love.Realizing this, the outcast girl stood up stupid things for brides to leave him. )))) Anyway, these are the problems of the unfortunate John... And I realized for myself how important it is to go to meetings with an independent professional, who is recommended by the agency. Now no "girlfriend-translators"! Only agency representative on a date! To avoid such "love triangles"! ))))))))))
