Is the physical appearance of woman the most important?
id: 10039541

There are people who claim that only the beauty of the inner world and the soul of a person are important. Others pay attention only to the appearance, they believe that the most important thing is to keep up with fashion, that if a woman without makeup, then there’s nothing to talk to her about... I think that beauty is subjective! The concept of “beauty” is for the most part individual and there is still no general opinion. The person I like will not be liked by another. This is the first. And secondly: when you start communicating with a person who would not seem attractive, and he opens up on the pleasant side, then the person becomes beautiful for you. There is no definite ideal or type. You can be attracted to absolutely any person, and if you have not only liked this person outwardly, but also in character, with his(her) thoughts, then appearance begins to recede into the background, and if there are deficiencies in appearance, then these shortcomings in appearance already become completely unimportant. So here is my question for you men: How important is a woman’s appearance for you and what criteria do you assess a potential partner?
