What is the difference between a goal and a dream?
id: 10036063

I hope that reading a title and description of my blog helped you to understand that I have a curious mind. I like to ask and answer questions because I think that it helps me to develop myself and make my life easier. And I often hear that people have different goals and dreams. I came to the conclusion that it’s a completely different things. The main difference between it is that if you have a goal then you do something to reach it. Am I right? I am sure you have some. But what about dreams? We may dream of something or someone but we don’t do something to make our dream come true. Here is a short explanation. I want to live in a peaceful world without wars and conflicts. Is this a dream or a goal? It’s a dream of course because I can not do something to make it real. It's just a dream which may stay as a dream and it will not come true. But I have a goal to build a family and I do my best to make it come true because I know that my happiness is in my own hands! I have many other goals also and I am sure I will reach it. Do you know that having goals it’s a really good thing? You develop yourself trying to reach a goal and you become a better person. You may receive new skills and knowledge. And I am sure that you feel great after you understood that you reached a goal. It’s some type of inner satisfaction! You feel that your life has sense. You don’t feel like a ship without sails you know. That’s what I think on this subject. What do I have to say at the end of my blog? If we will have more goals than dreams then our life will change for the better. Don’t dream! Just act!
