Hello to you) I am pleased that u open my blog, my thoughts and it's important for me to know that it can be usefull for someone)) I would like to rise so trivial topic, but i have my own ideas about it, and maybe some of them touch your soul and change your attitude to this topic) I will start and you understand what about i am saying! I really think that every person come in this world for love and it's impossible to be happy without it! It can be love to family, to children, to friends, to pets or to beloved person of course! But in amy way it's LOVE in all ways! Do u still think that we can live without it?? I often see the womem or men who try to catch more rich person and person who can help with career and see in it the sense of life! But why?? But why they forget about the most important things in this life?? Why they forget about love? And only in that moment when they wake up and open eyes that to see face on near pillow and see there unloved person who is annoying just because he is, person start to think about love! It's terribly and i can say with confidence that I will never change a sincerely love on the material things! Just think about your life and your true desires! I sincerely wish you to find love! It is wonderful when a person has the support, understanding, care and love of another person! Have you heard the saying for happiness, a person needs a person ?? It seems to be a simple guarantee of happiness, agree ?? But in practice it causes a lot of difficulties! After all, this is a thorny way that to find a person who fits you with character and souls! Share your experience, I also have something to tell you and something to share despite my age))
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