Re: the goal and the dream
id: 201915

To me, the dreams are the forerunners of goals and many goals are born of dreams. I think the dream comes from laying on your back in the grass and looking at blue skies and clouds (hint: do it alone or with someone of the opposite gender)) A woman can surely make a dream happen with me and if I voice it to her and she likes it, she'll cuddle up closer and tell me how to make it happen). Works every time, If her ideas are realistic. It also clues me that she's already thought of it too))).Dreams are born of clouds in the afternoon sky or beauty in night's starry skies for me when my mind is free of troubles and stresses. When your mind is free to roam, you'll come up with all kinds of things, beautiful things! Wishes! When you're under pressure, strife, or locked in your prison of loneliness, you come up with problematic thoughts. You're not wishing now, or you shouldn't be... for then you're mixing up dreams and goals and becoming more confused. Goals present a problem and that's how you find answers, so not by wishful thinking but best by scientific thought processes. That's why I try never to be without pen and paper now. Maybe my memory is degrading, but I like my thought processes where I can access them again later and on paper, if I can. It never fails that when I'm seriously contemplating possible answers to serious problems, surely someone will interrupt my thought processes. So, you can see that I'm serious about goals, while about dreams, I am free! We've been taught to think of good things, so good things can happen. And that's because Thought is a powerful energy. You can actually bring good things into your life just with good thoughts...and the opposite is true also. If you're thinking 'I don't, or 'I can't', or 'She'll never'; you're absolutely right! You can't, you don't and she will never, because you're not even trying! My God, you'd be better off not to even think if that's the best you're willing to do. Never be negative or that's all you'll ever get...negativity! So, when I learned this concept of energy as being applied to thought and that thoughts can really become things, the very first thing I did, was to teach myself to stop wishing! I do not do fairy tales well. I have no white horse and no princely armor. So now, instead of wishing, I want. and the more I think of this thing I want, the faster it comes to me and the Universe gives freely, but you have to make the first move. You have to want, that's WANT, like you really mean it. And don't ask for it Want it. Don't say 'I need this', because that's a negative thing. You're saying "I don't have and can't get". Just say I really want this, and I'm gonna get it! And you will! Wishes are for dreamers, not goal seekers. Teach your children this as well. Let's raise a generation of believers who Can and Do! not one of wishers who fail and feel sorry for themselves. Be proud of yourself and your children. Make them all winners and we'll all have a better world. I keep thinking we can save this planet yet, but we have to do much better NOW! So, lead.... and your children are the very best place to start! Ukrainian ladies are a prime example of this. I bet 75% of those who have children are single parents and look at how they cope and succeed! They're so amazing and I want one! Ukrainian ladies can do anything and they do it so well! Maybe I don't have the right to say I'm proud of them, but I am and I'm proud for them too,... forever strong! Best wishes always, Ladies of Ukraine! I love each and every one of you! I'll write soon))). Always,... Ray!
