Approach any person and ask him - “What is your main goal in life?” You will be surprised, but many will be at a loss to answer. We are ready to run after the bus in order to save a few minutes, and we don’t want to know what to do with life in general. But another thing scares me most of all... That most people never think what they live for. What for? There is a routine laid down by the system - first to school, then to a university, then to work, and finally to retire. But all this - for what? Look at those who have achieved something in life. It is not necessary to recall positive characters, the rule also works for anti-heroes. All of them are united by one thing - everyone knew what he wanted from life. Moreover, they knew specifically, and not abstractly (I want to be happy, healthy, rich, beautiful). But deciding which Way to choose for yourself is hard, right? It’s much easier to buy chips, fall after working on your FAVORITE SOFA and turn on the series. Life is good! You can travel by looking at the pictures on the Internet also... But you need to take the very first step - decide to work on yourself. Our high-tech generation, unfortunately, is gradually losing the ability to control its destinies.
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