I believe I chose a nice topic to discuss today. I discussed it with my friends recently and there are no doubts that this topic is familiar to many people. I talk about staying as friends after divorce. Is it possible? I am not a family psychologist and I don’t know the right answer to this question. I just want to share my thoughts with all the people who read my blog. Maybe I will understand something after writing about it or you may receive some information. Anything may happen. Anyway, let's start from the point of no return. Partners understood that they can not move forward together and it’s time to break up. What will they feel? It does not matter why they decided to break up. They will have negative emotions inside. But I know that many people say that they decided to stay friends with an ex. I guess I don’t understand something. Whom you can call a friend? A friend is a trustworthy person whom you may rely on in any situation. A friend is honest and open to you always. You know that your friend will help you and you are ready to do the same. Do you agree with this description? Imagine your ex now. Imagined? Read my description of a friend. Imagine your ex again. Are you sure that your ex-partner is your friend? Looking at your ex may awake bad memories, you may think of things you did wrong, you may have some regrets also. I think that many people lie to themselves thinking that they are friends with an ex. Both of you may have common kids, so you may see your ex a few times a month. But does it mean that it’s friendship? No. Both of you just forced to communicate for some reasons. It's really important to see things clearly. As I said before I am not a family doctor so I may be wrong about something. I admit that there are some exceptions but it happens rarely and that’s why I did not pay attention to it. I hope you agree with me that we should call things with real names and we should stay honest to ourselves always.
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