It all starts with love ... And what is love? How can we understand if our feeling is real? How can love be measured? If you tell a person that you love him, how can you prove it. Probably only through deeds, words in our lives mean little. If a person asks you to dress warmer in the winter cold, if he runs to the chemist`s to get the necessary medicines when you are sick, if he helps to bring groceries from the store so that it isn’t hard for you, it means that he worries about you. Love has various manifestations. You can take care of a friend, you can passion dream about a person, you can sympathize with him and all this is love in different manifestations. But let us dwell on the wonderful feeling that flares up between two people who cannot sleep and eat, who have only butterflies in their stomachs because they are crazy from each other. In my understanding, if a person loves, then he wants to build a family, and then people get married. Everyone who says that “we live well together without all these conventions, without "a stamp in the passport” is a form of falsehood. Either they were already married and divorced due to failures in the marriage, or they were afraid that the marriage would destroy everything. Yes, such an opinion exists in our society. After the wedding, many young people say that this “stamp” really changes something in a relationship. The wife becomes a tired woman, does not flirt with him, does not really laugh, constantly walks in a dressing gown with an incomprehensible hairstyle. The woman says that her husband has stopped to please her with small surprises, does not show his love and does not try to win her heart every day. She says something like: "He got me, and now he thinks that nothing needs to be done, I won’t go anywhere, because I am his wife." In general, this happens with the achievement of a three-year marriage. That is why it is believed that love lives only three years. Any experienced psychologist will tell you that this is a normal “three year crisis”. Everything is completely solvable and everything can be fixed. But basically, the spouses do not hear each other, everyone begins to think that he spent the best years of his life in vain, accuses the other that nothing comes of it. They do not discuss their problems, everyone is hiding behind the wall of their silence, resentment intensifies, and one fine day everything explodes inside and all the dirt comes out. Quarrel, collect things, go to different apartments. And here is the end of "love." Is it even possible to consider that it was real “love” if it simply could not stand the test of time. It's hard to say for sure, but when people give up without a fight, it looks like weakness. And if they have children, then people begin to endure, live together, suffering from this, curse this life, and in the end they diverge anyway and cause irreparable psychological trauma to their child. This child was sure to watch these quarrels all the time, the tired faces of his parents, and suffered this annoyance. We always want to do our best, but this does not always work out right. Let's summarize. Marriage is just a concept, people take vows to each other, promise to be faithful and honest until their death. These are already more concrete offers. If you promised, keep your word, otherwise why t hen call yourself "people." It is our choice and our actions that determine how long your love will live, how long your marriage will stay afloat. People, please pay attention to your beloved one, who are next to you. If you have not yet decided to offer a hand and a heart, then think whether this is the person with whom you are ready to share not only joy, pleasant moments, but also solve difficult life situations. Helping her when she is sick, listening to her endless annoying stories, not sleeping at night when your common child's teeth are cutting and just talking to each other. Do not lock yourself in, but hear your partner, not just listen, but delve into the general problems and solve them. Many couples who madly loved each other divorced simply because of their silence, they could not say what they want and don`t want, discuss it and decide what comes next. It’s easiest to say "goodbye", it’s harder to suggest talking about problems and fix them. Many consider this a shame when a person holds on to any opportunity to change something, but it’s the other way around. You always have time to surrender, use every chances. Do not blame this "passport stamp" for your failures, just look around and ask yourself at what your relationship has turned into, think about why it happened and fix it. Over the years, your marriage will only become stronger and love will warm your heart if you just become to speak and hear your other half. Now it`s your choice!
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