If you never show your jealousy, you are apparently very wise and simply ideal person with very strong inner self-confidience and nerves.If you did not feel jealousy anywhere,then you either had the good fortune of being a highly confident person and absolutely calm for a strong relationship, or you are not bothered by the thought that you might lose a partner.But what to do if you are very simple person,when you can love and hate,when you are able to be very calm and keep all your emotions inside and at the same time you can make"dramas"?Is it possiable to love unconditionally and trust your partner blindly? How not to be afraid to loose your beloved? How to stay calm where the world is full of different temptations?How to love and not to be jelouse?Is it possiable at all? What is the very nature of this feeling or condition? They say that Jealousy is one of the most powerful, destructive, and painful emotions. Often it is seen as a measure of one person’s love for another. Lack of jealousy, on the contrary, is often interpreted as a sign of indifference, so that in case of doubt one person may even experience the power of love of another, trying to cause jealousy in him or her.. So What is Jelously? Good for passion and love or killer of confidence?To keep own emotions in own heart and soul or openly to express them?When we are jealous, we show our fear of losing a loved one or openly demonstrate our weaknesses, insecurity or even ego?Does Jealousy have any positive influence on relationship? Some people say that Jealousy is not love at all, but rather the desire to have it or the fear of losing it.If a jealous person has a problem with self-esteem and a sense of the unconditional value of his personality, it makes no sense to assure him: you are my only one, I only love you - he still does not believe this, because he does not feel worthy of love. It is important to understand that jealousy may be the result of elementary ignorance of his chosen one. When we do not have enough information, we begin to speculate something, we have suspiciousness.Ignorance is a rich ground for jealousy. Getting to know each other takes time. Therefore, before entering into marriage, it is important to ask whether we know enough of each other, whether we can trust each other. If there is love and harmony between the spouses, it is unlikely that anyone will look to the side and look for some kind of adventure. And there is hardly a reason to constantly not trust and suspect your spouse of infidelity. Of course, there are exceptions to the rules,sometimes a person who is in a happy marriage has love and flirts. But nevertheless, these are exceptional situations.I think that there is no any"pill"how not to be jelouse.And Love and Jelousy are like romance and passion,like happiness and fear.As for me,I think that there is nothing bad if you express your fear to loose your beloved openly and show him or her how much important he or she is for you.I think that Jealousy is the sister of love,which means they are relatives) Simply your expressing of Jealousy must be very neat and not traumatic. Don't make any harm with your jealousy to your sweetheart and do not let the partner hurt you. Wish you to love and to be a little bit jealous) Polina
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