Why you want your new beloved to be from far away country? Why not from your own native place?I am sure that either you asked women here or you were asked this question many times.So why?Why we are here trying to meet right person abroad? I think that each of us has own goals and reasons.I can say only about mine.I am sure that in each country,in any corner of this huge world there are very good people and bad.There are very very many wonderul women in your country and the men in Slavic countries are very good too.It will not be true if we say that men in Ukraine are bad(I am originally Ukrainian)-my father,my brothers and men relatives are very good,kind, family oriented people and there are very many women in my country happily married to local men.And I am sure that women in your native place are also very much serious, family oriented and loving. Sorry to say not all of us are very lucky to meet real true love easaily and fast.Who knows..maybe it is such destiny or karma or God's will or simply great unluck,but such truth of life-I have not been able to meet my love in my country for 4 years.And no any appearance can help) I am strongly sure that beauty or good look are never garantee of happiness in relationship.So after more than 3 years of search and hope in Ukraine I have decided to give myself a chance to find my love abroad.I let myself to spread wings and to try my destiny in other places)Nobody knows where real true love lives.. in Sunny Australia,Traditional Great Britain or in business always busy USA.Modern world has opened all doors and we all have got wonderful opportunity to find the main deeppest love of all life.And no any distance or time or borders will never be obstacle for two loving hearts.And the main-True love is worth the wait. Julia
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