Yes, definitely! Old-fashioned, old-school, despite the notions, always takes place in our lives and no matter how you oppose new-fangled introductions to life (iPhones with three cameras, 3D glasses and the viral world), you still want to come home one day and will hear the old gramophone with songs Frank Centra, huh? Lol! Or for example, eat a good burger, with the most authentic cutlet, instead of eating soy now :) But most importantly, the "old-fashioned" is again in fashion relations! First of all, I missed the real relationship just men! Each of them wants to be unique. True, men perceive women's "old-fashioned" somewhat one-sidedly, as a one-goal game. Do you like old-fashioned women - get acquainted through intermediaries and propose an official marriage! Be a protector and earner! Then you will receive the most important reward - a reliable rear, faith, hope, love and female wisdom. And all this can be given by one ordinary old-fashioned woman. The unwritten rules of the "old-fashioned" relationship: - do not answer his phone call; - To be late for a date to annoy him; - look attractive because men appreciate it. “Outdated tips!” You say. Perhaps, but these are the secrets of many generations of women, which would be nice to use today. As a peacock spreads its emerald wings, trying to attract a female, so a man should try to impress and achieve a lady. Maybe many do not agree with the theory of "old-fashioned", but what is the matter to us, highly moral and art-loving people? LOL :) It is important to maintain the warmth and principles that the concept of "old-fashioned" has put into us! Natasha :)
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