Hello to all my readers! One more delicate issue is sexual taboos! These are the things that along with moral standards are the reliable fence that protect our personal territory. Moreover, for some this is a low garden fence, through which you can easily jump over if you wish, while someone has an impenetrable wall with steel spikes on top, and there is no way to overcome it. Fences are a good and useful thing, they didn’t come from anywhere, we once erected them ourselves, and now they protect us. But do not forget that fencing off from anything, we ourselves become our own captives. Often, sexual taboos in a pair make us unhappy, but we do not even know what the source of our suffering is. Suppose, when you were 17, your mother, wanting to protect a young and inexperienced daughter from rapists and maniacs, inspired you that after sex a man immediately loses interest and respect for a woman. And therefore, your task is to drag out “with this matter” as long as possible, ideally - until marriage. Now you are 35, you are divorced, and you have a date with an incredible man. He is sexy, gallant, attentive and gentle. You both realize that you want the same thing, but you ... suddenly turn into a snow queen. You coldly say goodbye to him and do not allow yourself to be carried out, being afraid that you will not cope with the desire and “be disgraced”. He, unable to read thoughts, is disappointed and confused. He believes the date was not successful and is no longer ringing. Suppose you are even married. You have an intelligent family and your husband is “right” to the core. You read “such” books and try different poses, sincerely believing that “sexual taboos in a pair” is not about you. Both of you have excellent figures, but when you go to bed, you flip the switch because you cannot relax in the light. You never discuss this and he is sure that you do not like the look of his body, therefore he does not insist that the light remains on. He wants to have oral sex with you, but he will never tell you about it. How does he know that in fantasies you want that so much too! But only in fantasies - because if you say he thinks soooooo about you! In a year, he will have a mistress, a lively cheerful girl without complexes. With her, he will learn how to enjoy, becoming a real self, and then, erasing a happy smile from his face at the entrance, he will return to you - a gentle, lofty fairy, with whom everything should be “clean”. Thousands of relationships break up due to the sexual taboos of the couple. Or rather, due to the fact that the couple does not know how to honestly and frankly talk on this topic. Perhaps someday the society will finally shake off its internal prohibitions and everything that is good and pleasant will become “permitted”. In the meantime, everyone will have to clean up in a cabinet with skeletons alone, without public support and approval. What do you personally consider good or bad in sex? Is there anything dirty and unpleasant for you in this? If you have a "headache" from time to time, you often imitate an orgasm, if sex is not a pleasure for you, but a duty, if the relationship with a partner does not work out, it's time to open your own closet. It will be useful to bring to light your own sexual taboos in pairs and find out if it is time to throw some of this into a landfill as unnecessary. It's time to figure out what are the reasons for this or that ban. Perhaps they are no longer relevant, but the bans remain? Of course, some restrictions make sense today: for example, sex with relatives threatens genetic problems in the offspring, and sexual relations with minors or sex in public places - problems with law enforcement agencies. But will your husband really get a mental trauma? Will you tell him what exactly you enjoy? Are you really “supposed” to do everything that a man wants, even if it is unpleasant, or else he will immediately begin to change? Is oral and anal sex so dangerous, as you see it, perhaps, if you arm yourself with knowledge and observe safety precautions, it will turn out to be pleasant? Is it a shame for a woman to take the initiative? Are the goods from the sex shop really only for lascivious people and in the "normal family" they do not belong? Thank you for reading and I wish all only pleasant sexual life! Ekaterina
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