Aries Wanting to achieve greatness not just in their career, but also in their personal life, an Aries woman will be patient waiting for her ideal partner and won’t settle into something serious early on. Though she likes the attention, she also loves a good challenge. While she wants a strong man who can stand up to her, an Aries woman has zero tolerance for being dominated or someone trying to exert control over her. You must appeal to and respect her independent nature. Once again, remember balance, she doesn’t want a partner she can walk all over, either. Taurus A Taurus woman is grounded, responsible and patient. She is thinking long-term with her partner. You don’t rush things with her. You must demonstrate complete devotion to her without pressuring her to make up her mind. Love is almost a process with her, allow her the time and space to get there when she’s ready. Gemini The devilish Gemini is the most unpredictable of the Zodiac signs. It’s very easy for the Gemini woman to charm people and flirting is second nature to her. Be prepared for a little competition while having your eyes set on her. She will have a group of fans at all times. Her charm and wit are irresistible and incredibly sexy. Winning her over won’t be easy, but it will sure be worth it. She may seem hot and cold. One moment it may feel like she’s completely into you, while another she comes off as completely aloof. This is just part of her dual nature, and to attract her, you are going to have to learn how to keep up with it. Cancer The deeply intuitive Cancer woman is very attuned to her emotions, as well as those of others. She can be hard to get to know, but this is only to say that she is complicated. This is because she is deeply emotional and sensitive. A water sign, she is ruled by her feelings and guided by her heart. Cancer women want to be swept off their feet and wait for the romance of a lifetime. The surest way to begin such a romance is to be completely engrossed in what she has to say. Listen to her. Leo It really is no surprise finding yourself drawn to a Leo woman. She is all fire, self-confident, and charming. She is one of the most generous of the signs and likes giving more than receiving. The one thing she wants more than anything is your admiration, devotion, and appreciation. Watch her become equally drawn to you when you give her these. Get on her bad side and be prepared to stay on her bad side. It is likely that there is no turning back, or at most, it will be very difficult to win her back. With a Leo woman, know it’s forgive but not forget. Virgo The seemingly “cool girl” Virgo can shut herself off from the world, seeing as she was born with some very protective high fenced walls. Take your time. Approach with caution. Don’t read too much into her sarcasm. Her witty, sometimes seemingly biting, comments aren’t meant to hurt. She is most likely to fall for you if you can see past all her barriers and laugh at her sarcasm and comebacks, even if it’s at your expense. Libra The Libra woman is at ease with herself in all walks of life. She is very social, and having a conversation with her is always comfortable and easy. Don’t be fooled by her level of ease, they like to feel in control. Do not put on too much pressure at the beginning on asking them on a date, or they will put on the brakes faster than you can say Libra. Timing is everything. Let her bask in her indecision for a while, it’ll be worth it when she decides to take a risk with you. Scorpio The most mysterious of the Zodiac signs, the alluring Scorpio woman is one you will come to fall in love with and obsess over, but not really ever truly get to know. It’s not just her sex appeal that gets you, either. There’s something almost dangerous about her, something you are drawn to that you can’t quite put your finger on. Sagittarius Fun and flirty. Humorous. Social. Curious. Energetic. Very energetic. It is going to take a lot of stamina to keep up with the Sagittarius woman. You’ll never find yourself bored. But you may find yourself exhausted. Learning new things is essential for her. So are new experiences. Be prepared for the ride of a lifetime. She may want to go to a concert one day, try a new Thai place one night, and skydive the next day. Let yourself have fun with her and let her shine. She is full of light, and you’ll notice her light up a room wherever she goes. Capricorn This lady is ambitious and a go-getter who knows how to take care of herself. It takes a little work to break her walls down, and though she may seem cold, she is anything but. You’ll have to dig deep to see what she’s carrying but watch her melt once you’ve won her over. She’s not the “flowery” type, but she demonstrates her feelings with actions. And just because she is independent, it does not mean she doesn’t need you. She wants assurance. Emotionally. And also financially. This isn’t to say she’s materialistic or can’t take care of herself, but she just wants to know you can take care of her. Aquarius This one breaks all tradition, so don’t expect conventional with her. She is the definition of eccentric. Conversation will never be dull with her. She is exhilarating and unpredictable to be around. The Aquarius woman needs constant stimulation. You’ll have to keep her on her toes and keep her entertained. She likes to stand out from the crowd, you’ll have to do and try a little bit different to get and keep her attention. Pisces Insightful and pensive. It’s a bit hard to get to the core of the complex Pisces. She is the most empathetic of the Zodiac signs and can feel very deeply, but she doesn’t always wear her heart on her sleeve. She may test you before coming out and saying what she wants or telling you how she feels.
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