First of all, it is important to ask yourself what you consider a real relationship to be. You need
to understand what your needs and desires are from another person, and what you are willing to
give them. This way, you can see early in your first dates, if you wish to continue and work towards
a future together, and if the other person feels the same of course (both sides count).
Everyone is independent in their own beliefs and ideas about things, so never expect a
person to always see things your way. However, it is important to have similar expectations out of a
relationship, if you wish to avoid frequent arguments. Look for things like whether or not it is
important for the both of you to see each other everyday, or have sex often. While seeing each other
on a daily basis seems wonderful and healthy to some people, others may feel smothered and need
space to have some alone time. Or if sex is on the top of your list, but is not on your partners, you
might want to consider that, unless you do not mind waiting or taking care of yourself once in a
while depending on how long you have to wait!
Patience is one of the main keys to a healthy relationship. There are times when our partner
will not respond in a way in which is pleasing to us, but this does not mean we have to take it so
seriously or personally. Always slow down, take a deep breath and think of reasons why your
partner may be acting a certain way. Assuming and jumping to conclusions is always an unhealthy
step to take because it shows your partner that they are not entitled to act freely and they feel
attacked, not to mention it shows that you automatically assume the worst of them. Give your
partner some time and let them know that you will be there for them when they are ready to talk.
No matter what the situation may be, patience is golden in a relationship, unless your partner never
wants to discuss matters with you (which would mean you need counseling or leave the
Honesty is also at the top of everyone's list when it comes to what people want out of a
relationship. A person needs to know that they can trust their mate because it builds a zone of safety
and comfortableness around them. They need to know that they can at least rely on their loving
partner to tell them the truth, no matter what. Being human means NOT being perfect, which means
we will make mistakes. Now, we should not let that fact lead us to making mistakes we already
know are wrong ahead of time. If your partner deliberately makes mistakes or you knowingly make
mistakes, it shows that you or your partner lacks respect and care for the other. This is unhealthy for
the relationship. What is healthy however, is realizing that the mistake you committed is a mistake.
You or your partner need to know that what they did was wrong and they need to feel the sympathy
for what they did. Once you or partner have realized this, you can then figure out a way of how you
will confess your wrong doings to the other.
So, my dear men and women wish all of us to have patience in a building of healthy relationships.
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