The world is big and it's full of different people. Good and bad. I am sure you met each of these types in your life. Why do some people do terrible things but other people stay good no matter what? There are 2 persons who have a huge influence on us all. It's our parents. I talking of classic family if the child has mom and dad. And the life of a child depends on the way it was raised by parents. If there was no love between parents, if a child saw lots of bad things then further life will not be good. This child will become an adult person but there is a big chance that it will not be a good person. Sometimes such type people do not even understand why they act this way. But the answer is in the past. We are all should know that being a parent is a huge responsibility. We should be a good example for kids. For example, how can you tell a kid that smoking is bad if you smoke? I know some good people who were raised in a bad family. I have a friend and she is an orphan and I can tell that she is a good person. But things I mentioned happen rarely. In most cases, bad people (or people who have lots of problems in life) need the help of a professional. The good news is that it’s not difficult to find it. I am sure that partners should be really sure that they can become a good example before making the decision to have kids. Another important thing it’s to transmit family values to kids. They should know what is love and happy family about. If parents will do everything right then they will have good kids who will become happy adult people in the future. I am sure that after reading my blog you see how our past may affect a future.
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