1. Find out the information you need. Prepare a list of questions that you would like to know from her. But ask them gradually, do not arrange an interview. She should not talk about herself as if it were a resume for a job. Start with something simple: hobbies, childhood stories, favourite music, movies, favorite foods, drinks, leisure activities. So you can find the right information in order to do everything perfect. 2. Do not rush. Let everything go smoothly. You will see her if you have a mutual desire, from the fact that you will rush her, she will feel only moral pressure and discomfort. If you are not sure about your choice and trying to bring the moment so that “the fish does not jump off the hook”, then these relationships are doomed to failure and you should not waste time on them. It`s worth to wait your special woman, if the situation requires it. 3. Don`t meet her from the airport! Hire her a driver so that he takes her to the hotel. So you will show her that she can rest and gain strength for the first meeting. She will understand the seriousness of your intentions, feel your care, and see that you give her time and do not rush her. 4. The first meeting. It is important to show her all your admiration. She should feel that you are not disappointed. If of course external beauty is more important to you, then this is more complicated. Then any of her inconsistencies in the photo on the site: she got a little stout, she didn’t put on that much, didn’t do her hair, that can push you away. If you like her human qualities, then her beauty will also be acceptable to you. Give the flowers she loves, kiss her hand, show gallantry. In our reality women so rarely see the real gentlemen. She will appreciate it. 5. Choose a place that she said in her answers to the question: "how do you see your ideal weekend evening". If she wrote that she likes to be at home, go to a quiet place where you can talk, listen to nice music and sit on soft, pleasant sofas, if she replied that she loves noisy parties then take her to a club or in place with a loud music and bright lights. It all depends on her answers. 6. Walk a little together. It will help you to be away from the hustle and bustle. The most important thing is not to be afraid to take her hand, hug her. No need to attack her immediately with kisses and intimate offers. But nevertheless it is necessary to apply mowing movements, this creates a pleasant sensation of proximity and comfort. Stroke her hand, hug her shoulders, sit closer to touch her shoulders next to you. She will feel warmth and comfort, and not far from there until the first kiss!) Before her going, say something pleasant or make a romantic gesture. For example, write her a note "Well, now you will become my girlfriend?" and below are three possible answers: yes. "no". "perhaps". Believe me, this will make her smile. Then all your actions depends on the situation, the heart will tell you. Of course, everything can go far beyond the plan, the main thing is to be yourself. If she came to you, then she likes you the way you are. Pretending to impress her with fictional stories is not the best way. Be yourself! Do not wear a mask! Have a good first date!
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