You found a good partner and you think that both of you will be happy always. But things may change and you stay alone. I think that all the people had a bad experience before. Bad love experience I mean. Feelings may be gone or partner may betray you. There are many reasons for it. But the end is the same. You stay alone and don’t know what to do. Your mind is full of negative thoughts and you have doubts that you can be happy again. It’s a dangerous road to walk and I will tell you why. If you dive into a negative state of mind for too much then your heart will be closed. It will not allow you to become happy again. After receiving of bad experience you may become too cautious and it will be almost impossible to gain your trust. As you know it's not possible to build relationship trust without so…nothing good will come from this. What should I do? I guess it’s a question you asking now. The answer is simple. Bad experience should not change your character. If you received it then you should close that chapter of your life and it will be right to start a new one. Just turn a page and move forward. Don’t let negative thoughts ruin your further life. Do you know what type of people reaches success? It's positive and smiling people whose hearts are open. Nobody likes grunting people who do not trust anyone. But if your heart will be full of love you want to share then good times will come into your life very soon. If you pay attention to many love stories then you will see that I am right. I turned a page of my life and don’t regret it. It’s time for you to do it!
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