In the days of technology, I want to ask you one simple question) How do you feel about Photoshop? I do not mean the photoshop when the sky becomes bluer or the photos brighter! I mean a deceptive photoshop, when a person changes his face or curves .. For example, makes eyes bigger, lips more puffy, waist smaller and booty rounder) lol .. Why do this? I don’t understand such people .. Who wants to like creating the ideal in the picture !? After all, we need to work on yourself in real life in order to be a good person, to have the desired forms, to have smart thoughts and be an interesting conversationalist! How about trying to create an ideal in real life? Need to read, play sports and develop! Then no photoshop is needed to attract attention to yourself! I think it's rediculous people who edit their photos with the help of Photoshop so that someone will like it! Well, what will be when you meet in life? Say oops .. there was a waist in the photo, but disappeared in life! lol Or how ?? Indeed, true feelings arise only in honesty and love you the way you are! And not for appearance! I do not use Photoshop, I like to be who I am and I love my imperfections and imperfect appearance! People must love yourself as they are! I hope you are not a member of the anonymous club of photoshopers? lol I am here to be loved such as I am) Do you value naturalness? I am Interest to know! Keep calm and don't use Photoshop!
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