To be honest, I hate the word "must"! But when there are heartfelt thanks to your family to your parents, the word "must" turns into something nice and special! I hope you understand what I mean! I also understand that all relationships are individual and each has his own family and naturally his skeletons in the closet, which only the closest know about! In most cases where the child grew up happy and in good conditions, gratitude of the family is not acute topic because it is such situation always inherent the kindness of love and respect for parents! You always need to remember that good parents will invest the soul and heart in you and give "the last piece of bread"! But can happens differently, and to a greater extent it depends on the personality of the person, upbringing and his life values! There are children who are always need more and more— attention, money, toys .. They haven't it enough in any way! And if you don’t notice it and let them to indulge from childhood, then what gratitude can you rely on then? Think about upbringing, do not always follow to all whims - this is the right approach! It happens that parents do not shine with good deeds, but when person is adult they will remember that they gave you life and this person should be thankful for that! In general, the topic of unnecessary children touches deep down! I think that respecting and appreciating PARENTS is necessary and needed nowadays, but if these are your parents and not the people who gave you life .. everything here is up to you! You need to understand that in the word "parents" was put a deeper meaning into the word than people who gave life! Remember this, all of us and some children and some parents! If there is care and love on the one hand + good upbringing, then parents will always be respected! Take care you and your family!
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